Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Make Believe

Wow, I just had an epiphany because of a friends status update! She said "it's all make believe, isn't it?" And it got me thinking of MAKE BELIEVE....All those stories are stories of Magic and transformation. They entertain us as children but as we grow up we are taught that they aren't real, that we can never become a real queen or king, that we'll never find our prince or true love, that there are no Knights or wizards that can save us from monsters, or people trying to tempt you with poisoned apples.

I thought about this briefly, and got struck with this new awareness....MAKE BELIEVE - is really.....MAKING OURSELVES BELIEVE....AND THEN IT'S TRUE! The Good and the "bad". WE CREATE IT! Every thought and story we make up projects out into our reality! (which I knew from "The Secret and Law of Attraction" But Now, I see how I am writing my own faerytale. And I can see I AM CREATING it being filled with magic and love and transformation, and a kingdom of happy fulfilled divinely inspired people.
However, I've met my fair share of poisoned apples, and had to face some dragons along the way. I have transformed beyond the effects of the darkness, and I will continue to do so in my land of Make Believe. Unleashed by breaking the dark spell hanging over my choices and environment, I get to become my powerful, beautiful, and complete self! A radiant heart open queen who inspires greatness in her court.

What a gift! I get to tell my own story! MAKE BELIEVE, huh? Interesting how we all had it backwards, eh? BELIEVE...MAKE!

Once Upon a Time, In a land filled with Palms and an Ocean Breeze.....
To Be Continued
xo - Me