Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Everybody Dance & Sing!

I just got off a call with an awesome girl Anna, who is so on the same page as me with Light work! She is forming dance brigades, in association with global brigades. Volunteer work in Panama with Orphanages and high risk kids teaching them dance.

It's been an intense few months for me, to say the least. But finding my way and purpose again. And let's not forget GRATITUDE! School, Dance company, gogo, creative ideas, casting, uniting with artists, friends, and my life....not to mention the play rehearsals I'm about to start friday. But after only about a week or so I'm fighting off another cold. As my cute japanese friend would say "my nose is broken" haha. So must listen to my body and stop spreading myself too thin. Must remember I'm no good to anyone if I'm not taking care of myself first!

Finally watched Michael Jackson's THIS IS IT last night. Oh man, I had to hold back tears a few times. He was my first Love when I was 5 years old. "Love , L-o-v-e"....that's all he ever tried to do and give. And hearing his songs now with new ears I'm realizing more the amazing work he did. And there are more and more Artists stepping up to the plate bringing awareness of Love and taking care of our earth. Jason Mraz is another Love Light worker being. And a foundation I found through one of his post is called Songs of Love, they a have songwriters write personalized songs for Terminally ill children, The Natters are forming a sister foundation event in San Diego, called Songs from the Heart. Caitlyn Carradine is dancing and teaching death children and disabled adults in Vienna! Artists all over are hearing their call of service. My dance evoke project will honor the collaboration of artists spreading love and healing, and I'd love to take it to another level of expressive arts therapy. Must not worry how, but just put it out their and trust Divine intervention.

More healers are connecting to the arts and more artists are connecting to healing. We've had examples that we have since lost but taken for granted at times such as Bob Marley, and Michael Jackson. Grateful Bob Dylan is still around! We are getting out of our egos and back into our hearts! This is very magical and exciting!

In the words of my Daddy, the first musical messenger who taught me.
"I've got a feeling,
Just breath the air outside
Hey, I've got a feeling,
It's so good to be alive
And the world, has a lot,
For us each day
Take what I say"

Love, Joy, Health, and Abundance to you all!

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