Monday, January 25, 2010

I'm tired and I'm not getting paid!

Oh boy, here I am again. The past 2 weeks, overextending my energy. Classes online, not as easy as expected. How does one get only 7 out of 10 right on an open book quiz??? hmm? Well take one 30 girl seeking, mix it with a half a month of lack of proper sleep and mix it with 8 years of not being in school with a dash of not entirely retaining the 6 chapters of black & white, facts and figures text book reading and voila'! Just finished a partial writing assignment and what I'm finding with some of this school work, because of life experience I'm ahead of the game at times, even knowing shit before reading about it....or I'm psychic. But other times I feel like I have early Alzheimer's. I can't remember anything! So thank god I can cheat! I thought for a moment, in reflection earlier, that my quiz status may have been the cause of some unconscious guilt to using my text book and Google when answering questions, but my guidance counselor was the one that actually gave me the idea/suggestion in the first place! haha

What else? Dancing up a storm, like a lot - a lot, got the company, the go go gig and was offered a choreographer assistance position. Notice I didn't use the word job? Well that's because at first I wasn't being offered pay, it's so much time I'm putting into the company already, but I'm grateful, I look at it like free dance class, today I had to make a point about my schedule, I'm going into rehearsals for my play this weekend too, I'm tapped out! And I still don't have a job! Not for lack of trying mind you 2 interviews and a gizillions resumes emailed later and nada! Lordy Bee! Not quite sure how rent and the car are gonna be covered. But He did say he would pay me to help so yeh!!! Now I gotta find the time! Ahhhh

I've been wanting to develop my own Dance project. And still working out the resources, but have talent in place. TIME & MONEY. The 2 biggest illusions that we create, according to every spiritual book I pick up yet the 2 biggest struggles humans deal with beside the search for love. Ooooh, speaking of, met a cute boy at a screening for a movie I cast. And I met his dad. Who is equally adorable. But then I find out he's an actor, which I made a point I didn't want in my list, and the penis detox is in effect.... err. Well, if he treats me better than the non-actors I have been dating and can respect the detox for a bit and not judge my living circumstances, then he may be a winner....oh who am I kidding, he could do way better than me and the state right now. haha shit! I'd say no to me!

Has anyone out there ever left a stove on in a friends apartment that your staying in for over 3 hours emanating the interesting aroma of burnt sweet potato fries for her to come home to a discover, officially stamping yourself as the more scattered and irresponsible roommate, even though she thinks she's ADD? No? yehhh....that would suck.

When does transitory stop being transitory? I feel like I have been dancing this dance for too long now....OH my fries! Gotta go before I burn the apartment down.

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