AHHHHHH. A bit overwhelmed. haha to think a few weeks ago I was bored. Well be careful what you wish for, and how you wish for it I might add.
I know I have a lot to catch you up on but here's the abridged version. My class started psych online course and I forgot how to be attentive to detail since not being in school the past 10 years. I love our discussions but hate reading text book writing Seriously do they purposely write to sooo friggin boring. Rehearsing with Dance group, inspiring my own ideas for my own group, but of course the money struggle is still going strong. one very PT job ended, had 2 interviews and a commercial audition to no avail, got a random one night dance gig that involved me and a pole with my clothes ON, wasn't expecting the pole mind you and getting whiplash from headbanging to an AC/DC cover band, then the kicker after I got loads of compliments on my amateur pole dancing skills the next band sets up a who cover band, and I go on stage to do what I'm being paid for and the guitarist KICKED me off stage the little 5.7 old fucker came up behind me like a bull scared the shit out of me, and said NO, ah what?! apparently he didn't get the memo there was going to be a dancer and thought I was an audience slut, no I was a paid slut and thanks for the further Embarrassment Mr. Who wanna be musician! Oh and to top it off I was fighting a cold the past week. And watching my roomie's dog! That little handful of love was probably the best part!
Did I already tell you guys about the Mugwort treatment...yes I think so. Can you tell I'm overwhelmed and scattered? What else oh so today I had the bright idea to get started on week 2 of classes which entails 2 discussions 4 debates, 4 chapters of excruciatingly boring reading, a quiz and a paper. Well got very distracted at the coffee shop that was supposed to be my place of center and concentration. There were puddles, rainbows, puppies and children, I asked for beauty today and got it, I was in a great mood but got 3 pages of reading done none of which I retained, I'm sure. Then got a lovely email saying I got an over drafted notice which was an unauthorized purchase, which also forced to the realization of my enormously sad state of financial status. With this as the start of my week. Plus rehearsal. Plus job hunting. plus my roommate came back home which means I'm back on the couch and will probably want to distract myself with girlie wine, chocolate, and movie nights.....argggg...... Don't expect me to be very social, not that I have been lately. Eeww I irk myself. Apologies all around! Just realizing my abridged is still pretty long!
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