Thank Goddess. Today was a beautiful Sunny day in California! I played some go to feel good LOVE music while I was waking up to my morning coffee and reading over a monologue that my amazingly talented director friend wrote. Nervous though because of the last minute cram, and the fact that I haven't had an audition in Months, Thanks to my other friend (who we'll call BB) for referring me. At any rate, I got caught in a series of Retrograde snags, that could have deterred me into that familiar screw it, self sabotage frame of mind. But luckily the feel good music and words I spoke in the monologue were encouragement enough to get me through.
So instead of getting pissed off for running late because your car is out of gas and your wallet fell out of your purse somewhere at home and you have to turn around and pray the the orange screaming light that's yelling at you through the dash board is just giving you fair warning enough to make it home and to a gas station before stalling out, because seeing as you have just gotten a car again after almost a year you let your AAA lapse.
Listen to your intuition the night before you have to be somewhere important and get the damn gas!
And now that you have a car, especially an 89, get AAA.
So I text my contact, admitting my embarrassment of the situation asking for a later time, and it all worked out. And probably even better, because I had more good tunes to pump my up in between talking to myself in the words of "Martha" behind my stirring wheel. And I was given the signs and reminders that I was on the right track again driving through the old neighborhood of NOHO where I used to walk my doggies, with a chance heart sharing convo with a friend who's Lab had also just transitioned, saw a license plate that reminded me of the Love I'm ready for, auditioned at the theater that I have cast other actors in so many times, and the ultimate sign that I was exactly where I needed to be was that it FELT SOOOOOO GOOD!!!!
No matter what happens, or what the outcome. I was in joy, I became a magnet of good, and I'm sure I don't even know what that good is yet, but I'm excited for it. Today felt like Spring again, and with the new year just behind us, the seeds we've planted in 2009 are starting to poke through the earth. Keep faith, don't sweat the small stuff, and flow with whatever comes your way.
In the words of Miss Pizza, through the mouth of a great Character Martha, from the play "The Button", by the zany imagination of Brad Sergi, haha
"Remember Noodle, whenever you are afraid of anything, just jump. Don't think that you are going to fall. Know that you are going to fly."
May we all Spread our wings today, and many more days to come!
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