Monday, May 16, 2011

Malibu Days 13

Adjustment day according to Lousie Hay and her numbers and colors book. Part of my hippy numerology spiritual awareness fun! Certain colors and numbers carry different vibrations. Kinda makes sense with really considering making this HUGE change of job and location, some adjustments would need to be made.

I could feel the stress creep in, the fact that I have a full plate already and there's some important things to get too before leaving! Like renewing my driver's liscense before I leave since it expires this year on my birthday which is 3 days after I leave for Atlanta. Another birthday out of town too which is weird! Last time was for my movie Leading Ladies, and that was completely magical, have been Letting Love lead me ever since!

Time for list making!!! Gratitude list and To Do list...Definitely grateful for the raise and the adventure! It seems like its really gonna happen and can and should!

A bird pooped on my chest, a tiny little orange poop that smelled like berries....good luck right??!!

Couldn't sleep at all last night after putting in 2 weeks notice so many emotions and thoughts have been taking over, especially regarding a psychic reading I got, that had a lot of changes predicted in my life and a lot of traveling. hmmmm. but she also said someone from my past was going mess with my energy and I have to protect myself from that? The ex? the old boss? was this the right choice? I have never left a job I loved before! ever!!! I met Tim Robbins at work for crying out loud!!! This place is radd! But My paycheck isn't getting me ahead. I don't want money to rule my thoughts or get into lack but my cousin was the one that put it to me best! The universe just offered to hand you $12,000.00, Are you really not gonna take it?!

WOW, I really almost was not gonna take it! Something else my psychic lady told me, Don't give away your opportunity to someone else, you tend to do that! AND I DO!!! I love TALKING UP OTHER PEOPLE, I'm good at it! But I neglect doing it for myself! Or someone will ask for a Actor and I'll pass them a Actor instead of say Yah, I'm a actor!!! Just as one example.

If you want the best reading of your life!!!
CALL HER EMAIL HER NOW! I have gone to her 3 times and she's been spot on about everything thus far!!!

Dr. Carole Carbonne!

Do it! She'll rock your world!

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