Quickly cause I'd like to sleep...
I woke up to more crazy wind today - the freedom and breathlessness strong winds can create is pretty rad. It's like the earh is exhaling for you.
Went to day two of the workshop and was thankful feeling better. Still coughing and dealing with the nose but I really felt some of the wakenings shifted things in my body.
Terces invited me to take on juicing for a week with her club. It's amazing ASK AND IT IS GIVEN. Wasnt I just talking about wanting to take on a challenge or focus. This one is a toughy cause it's gonna take away two things I really like and think I need everyday. COFFEE & FOOD!
I battled that inner demon this morning right away, I had to pretend my Green tea was coffee. I hope green tea is excempt!!! yikes. Well this is the way I'm doing it. I happened to get some juices from whole foods at lluch break the day before so I happened to be covered. But watching others eat, makes me want to eat, even if I'm not hungry it will make me think of my options for later. this is going to be interesting.
I danced twice today. My friend was inspired to dance to a piano play in the group on our lunch break, and it inspired me to join after. weeee fun, but woah stamina needs some exercise! yes, I've been under the weather but man... got me nervous for friday. Just danced to out the 6 songs on my friends CD and felt amazing and silly all at once.
Did I mention the coyote yesterday? They symbolize magic/trickery/strategy. pretty cool eh? oh, also I went home to pay my rent check (without any fear of having the money!) and one of my plants was all wilted since I hadn't been watered in days. I brought it back with me to where I'm housesitting to nurse it and I gave it a bunch of water and sat it next to another thriving basil plant and sang to it, "come back". It's came back!!! And I dont even have a disney princeless voice BTW. I AM HEALTHY AND VITAL AND ABUNDANT AND SUPPORTED!!! I guess I could say come back....
Yeah, I danced twice today!
Recounted my blessings, was able to enjoy the view of the ocean on my ride, gave a random stranger a dollar, got through a day without coffee, and even play a little rusty dusty guitar.
Now I rest
Be healthy, be love, be abundance!
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