Friday, December 31, 2010

abounding river day eight

8 is great! Its the number for abundance!

The current today was WORTH.

Had a really cool and surprisingly tough question today. What are 5 things you love about yourself?
It took me longer than I thought but I came to these....
1. My expressive nature and talents
2. My ability to encourage others
3. My butt
4. That I'm versitile and able to adapt to new things pretty easily
5. That I nurture my inner child

I am perfect wholeness expressing as beautiful abundant nicole. I am worthy of everything wonderful. I love and adore myself as a divine creation.

Today I had 12 things on a to do list....I got 3 done. This workbook, throw away the ex stuff, and taxes....that literally took from noon to 1am, with a few breaks, but not much. And there last years but my mission before new years, it made me sort through more stuff too, I actually found a neat article from my first play in college as hero in much ado and the review said my crying scene was mesmerizing and dramatic! That was nice to find! More of that please. I also finally got to see my NOH8 campaign picture! Its cool!

More good news the sink is getting fixed tomorrow morning and I got a fun night out with my girls tomorrow in weho, so excited to be with strong inspiring women, wearing funky tights my roomie got me for xmas, and dancing into the new year!

I have to set my intentions, they are becoming more clear, getting back into acting mode, auditions lined up in jan, leading ladies showing in palm springs forward motion! And I made my acting site official!
Flowing! What are you calling in this year and what are you leaving behind that no longer serves you?

The river guide (I'm paraphrasing)
Why not love yourself as perfect creation?
(You can replace perfect with what ever feels good, it was originally god)

Love and happiness
Xo me

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

abounding river day six

Bare with me...this is being typed with my thumbs, and I don't have the patience to make letters capts. So, there's that...and I didn't break my fingers, I just have to do this from my phone.

Today I got to work with my roomie again, which was helpful. Love there two quotes

When you realize nothing is lacking, the whole world belongs to you

You are the one who creates whether you are fulfilled or not

We had to list 3 things we wants the most. Then close your eyes and be fulfilled in those three things.
1. Love - the perfect divinely matched man for me right now
2. Career - the perfect, great paying ACTing role
3. Hybrid car - I had to walk a lot today....with grocery bags

Its interesting to me that no matter how many times I say I need or want to focus on my career love is always the first thing that comes into my mind, and no matter how many casting jobs I do I always come back to wanting to act....the car would be the icing, especially since tomorrow I have to gets up 2 hours earlier than most to travel to noho for 2 hours.

There's something else I found HAVE TO...there is no have to, I want to, I wanted to until I thought about how early I had to get up, and then if I'm honest I went through a whole pros and cons list with myself, about obligations and owning worth and I'm not getting paid and what am I neede for, and but I could do this and that and make it worth it, but maybe I should be there anyway.....CRAZY HEAD TALK....what I came out impeccable with your word...thank you for go because I said I would, but now I know, to specify days hours job duties more clearly next time, with peers but mostly with myself. I invest so much of myself in everything but then get burt out and tend to rid it away, in some form or another, gotta stop that can't always just cut and run......closure and ending a cycle is also part of the journey, otherwise you aren't really finishing anything, and maybe that's why I keep getting the same lessons in different packaging.....huh? My thumbs are wiser than I thought.

Today I am aware of magical me as abundance. I am all that magic is now.

I am grateful for being able to sleep in today, for the sun shining, for my phone, for rumor mill, for movies, for this casting job, for the food in my fridge, for the man I felt like giving 2 dollars to, for compliments, for signs from the universe, from farmers and markets, for my photographer friends that helped me build my acting site with great pictures, for the money I have and was able to invest in my actor self today, my new skin products, my roomies support and mirror, and my amazingly talented parents! And anyone I have ever shared a loving exchange with.

Oooh almost forgot, from day five something that you are unwilling to release? Sooooo, I'm throwing away the few articles of the 5 year ex I have. Its time I ve carried it to omg, 6 apartments now! Woah, yeah always thinking I ll mail it back, I ll find the address, he ask for it! No fuck that darkside for a minute, screw it, I don't owe him carrying it around anymore and its another reflection of I cared for his stuff more than him, so who's really more free in this situation? Geez. Thank you for the final mirror my old friend wherever you are in VA, be well and say goodbye to your things!!!! Yeh!!!

I am fulfilled in this now moment, I am present to being abundance now!

Do it! It feels good
Xo me

Monday, December 27, 2010

Abounding River - DAY FIVE

Generosity Current

"All you are unable to give possesses you" - Andre Gide

What is something you are unwilling to release? - my clothes - most not all - although if someone gave me 1000.00 and said here go Shopping I'd get rid over everything in a heart beat! Other thing is probbaly photos - memories.....
But this says - consider whatever stops you also inhibits you from experiencing flow.

I've seen that manifested a few different ways - letting go of outcome in dating all of a sudden you become a guy magnet, even if you walk around town in your PJs....ironically usually then. Also as soon as my director deciding on the 3 leads for ths film I'm casting, audition notices came in for me to ACT. Or freaking out about loosing my wallet, let it go, remembered ast place i remember having it emailed them, they emailed me today saying they had it!

Be Generous - today I saw the utilities bills for the apartment got my new check books and wrote out full amount for both! which reminds me I need a mail dropbox

Todays speaking and listening....
As I serve others, I serve myself. As I serve myself, allare served. I am completely fulfilled giving to the entire body of CREATOR me.

You relish contributing to everyone as the whole of yourself!

My tummy is a little upset from mixing a tuna sandwich & chai tea latte I think...But I'm grateful the rumor mill fed me, stored my cards safely, and all the plants, animals, people and energy that made my abundance today possible.

I have a reminder of that everyday I look in the mirror now, my dear friend got me a neclace that says abundnace on it! I may have told you that already....

xo - me

Abounding River DAY FOUR

Gratitude Current......

Be grateful for 3 forms of supply that I have never acknowledged before...
Furniture makers
trash workers
I could keep going...internet, electricity..okay maybe i have thanked them before, my lungs, a ticking clock to break the silence in my head...

My Partner work isn't really working too well without a partner but I will repeat this in bed 11 times.
"I am grateful for all of Life. I am being thankful for everything I see and everything I don't see"
"You are the thankfulness of energy"

I realized I lost my wallet today - here's a practice in everything isn't lost. It may have happened a few days ago, the last time I remembered having it was at a coffee shop I frequent new years eve before leaving for downtown. I've been using cash so I haven't noticed, but my cards are gone which means I can't cash my check like I was hoping tomorrow. So this is also a practice in trust and faith. I check my bank account and the money hasn't been touch, so I don't think it's stolen....WHICH GIVES ME SOMETHING TO BE GRATEFUL FOR! I'm hoping it's somewhere in my room and I miss placed it while I was packing....

I am grateful no one has stolen my wallet and it is in a safe place waiting for me to find it when I get home!

I watched Scrooged tonight and it gave my my laugh for a minute out loud exercise, the Ghost of xmas present fairy is my favorite!!!

Last night bed exercise was tough talking my self up in the mirror...that's a challenge for most I think but stretching the muscles! Tonight give 5 minutes to put attention to all that has been given to you...from drinking water to you creative talent, even beauty marks count! Find Gratitude for it all.


Sunday, December 26, 2010

Abounding River DAY THREE

I'm pretty much over tired and ready for bed, so this will be quick.

Christmas Day - an exchange for Love & Cheer and suiting to be on THE LOVE & ACCEPTANCE CURRENT.

My request from last night was answered today a few times. A very nice exchange definitely building the muscle of self- worth.

Today was "Love thy Neighbor Love thy self"

What do you say is not the best in your life??? Well I had quite a long list so to nose, my skin, my bank account, my choice in men....etc.

Who creates it? ME - (with the help of others I choose to have in my life)

Who would I have to be to create the best....Beautiful Abundant Nicole - who's confident, wise, focused, filled with self love and is being love.

Was generous today by buying my Bro xmas dinner and giving out a few presents. Also gave myself dinner and receive a rad necklace from a girlfriend and went to a movie.

Today spirit words were Mother nature, God, and Spirit
Trusting, Knowing, Surrendering and Being

Now I must go talk to myself in the mirror before bed.

I've been scrimping on the meditations I realized today...I gotta fix that.
xo me

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Abounding River - DAY TWO

Almost forgot about my commitment.....on the second day.....with christmas eve and all. Today was the first day I actually felt in the holiday spirit. The movie I have been casting made some decisions on the leads yesterday so I got to shift my energy & Focus! So I woke up with present ideas...better late then never. And I got a bug up my ass to reach out to a few peeps from my past letting them know my gratitude for them!

So Day 2 was on the WORTH CURRENT -

What request would you make to someone in your life that would build the muscle of your self worth? TRICKY ONE RIGHT?! IT GETS BETTER....Commit to making one today.

Well I received a voicemail, from a boy I was dating which was a nice Merry Xmas - thinking of you message - after a facebook a few days ago saying the same thing but also with some Miss you talk. So part of my self worth I let go of when things weren't working with us. And now that I am teeter tottering on responding or not - I MADE A REQUEST! My request basically was to hear or read how he was thinking of me, and what he missed about me. Because I deserve to receive some recognition and acknowledged for the relationship we had, and the person I am. I was very good to him. Whatever his truth is is all I am interested in. No other expectations or needs. But I thought WHAT AN INTERESTING TIME FOR A REQUEST FOR SELF WORTH -

I also giggled for a minute - and then watch The Christmas Story so laughed more

An exercise in being generous and grateful was buying, making, and getting presents - perfect reminder of let go and receive energy.

Today I chose the spirit word LOVE and abundant word FILLED. And since I didn't have Athena as my mirror partner tonight I used a picture of my little girl self, which turned out to be perfect.

.........I am worthy of everything wonderful, all the FILLED LOVE me is.
You are Love expressed as Beautiful Abundant Nicole. You celebrate your Love worth Now.

Merry xmas! The best gift to give someone is Love - The best gift you can give yourself is love - what does that come wrapped in???
xo - me

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Abounding River DAY ONE

Okay, a new book. A New journey. A new focus. I have been itching for another 30 day challenge or days to success however you choose to look at it. And this is a book I have been wanting to get myself for close to a year. It's called the Abounding River - Personal Logbook by Matthew and Terces Engelhart. The Days and exercises are laid out for you. Some of the journey requires partner work, so it's good to have a buddy or loved one that wants to grow with you to give one and other mutual support.

Like I did with the 30 days to success, I'm making a commitment to blog each day as a way to share my experience and hopefully inspire anyone else to join in or at the very least keep myself accountable for myself.

It's been an interesting past few months of all kinds of mirrors coming back to me, dredging up past baggage and hang ups as well as growth and inspiration. But I'm ready for change with my energy around ABUNDANCE. I have found gratitude and that has already made such a shift for me, My 30 days helped give me more focus on goals and finding worth in completing them. NOW it's time to recognize the magic of the universal flow, trust the ONE connection and truly OWN my WORTH. Today my worth is OVERFLOWING!

DAY ONE - Creation Current

This is what I discovered.

First, you pick a spirit abundance name - I toyed with a few the past 2 days prepping for today and finally woke up hearing BEAUTIFUL ABUNDANT NICOLE. I'm calling in my self confidence and love again and proclaiming the worth of myself and everything around me as abundance.

I have a few inherit beliefs about money such as there's isnt enough, or as soon as you get it it's gone, I should give more than I recieve, if I get into trouble my mom will bail me out - (that one I really don't like!)- truth hurts but as much as I am grateful to have a loving supportive generous mother my 31 year old ego self tells me I'm a failure to resort to this.

What I would like to believe is, as much as I give I recieve, money is easy to manifest, there's always more than enough, debt had no power over me, and that I deserve and have the power to create more financial abundance in my life RIGHT NOW!

Also finding acknowledgement & gratitude. I have been recieving more appreciation and acknowledgement for the work I do, and others that could only see me in box vision is starting to open up to see more of me, but this is also the ownership I'm creating in myself! Specifically with this book focus, My roomie and I went to the near by coffee shop and just having our awareness shift to the Farmers and every other being and creature who helped bring my one cup of coffee into creation was an amazing exercise, you realize how much there is to be thankful for.

Today I am thankful for my casting job that allowed me to buy me and my roomate these coffees and bagels, grateful to Athena for being my company and partner in this exercise and grateful to Stella who owns the coffeeshop and her employee that made it for us and the farmers, truckers, gasoline and packagers who got it here, the cows that gave the milk, the plants that gave the seeds, the earth that gave the soil and water and everyone in between that did there part to make my simple coffee and bagel possible for me today. THAT IS A FUCKING TRIP RIGHT?!....all those things that are usually taken for granted. It's so empowering to shift your attention to it all in gratitude and trust that we are all in this life together and collectively taking care of eachother.

In our listening and speaking exercise we mirrored eachother, which is so interesting. Things land in all kinds of ways depending on how things are said, tone of voice and ego thoughts. Some times it feels amazing and sometimes it's uncomfortable. But once you do feel it land in a belief way a cord is struck, a light bulb gets turned on, and the CREATION is made.

I, Beautiful Abundant Nicole, am the creator of my life experience. I now choose to be OVERFLOWING!

I have a few more little tasks to cap off today. Some laughing, meditation & writing is left and I think I'll add in some exercise just for kicks.

Thanks for joining me on my latest carpet ride!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Gearing up for more transformation!

Holy crapola!

Lots lots lots! Does anyone else feel like 3 days is more like 3 months! So much is transitioning and evolving and happening with everyone. Lots of change. Break ups, job changes, risk taking, emotional releasing, deaths, births I'm mean this is life right but it seems in fast forward like we all have some major clearing and reflecting to do.

My darkside came out to play since I have been casting a feature film Called Coyote Requiem which is all about healing your emotional baggage and taking off your masks! And everyone involved, is being effected. It's powerful stuff. There's also moments where I have to stand up for myself and stand my ground, own my worth, and refuse to settle in other areas of my life. And I am grateful to the ones that have givin me the postive mirror to see this.

I have to remind myself to stay connected to LOVE & Gratitude even when my wounds are triggered, even when my buttons are pushed and ego is bruised and trust that it's all for the highest good. TRUST! CHOICE! COMMITMENT!

Commiting to ourselves so we can truly commit to someone else, and our higher purpose. Our higher purpose should start and end with LOVE. Sometimes love is snuggly, sometimes sexy, sometimes, healing, sometimes uncomfortable truth, sometimes even a reflection of hurt, but if you can bring it back to love - give it love - then you have love!

here's to clearing our baggage
here's to facing our fears
here's to making committed choices
here's to finishing things
here's to giving and recieving love
here's to being authentic
here's to being our highest selves
here's to living in abundance
here's to letting your creativity flow
here's to letting yourself FLY!!!!

I got the best reading in my life a few days ago! it's already coming true....DR. CARBONE in studio city she's got a 2 for one deal right now. google her!
