Generosity Current
"All you are unable to give possesses you" - Andre Gide
What is something you are unwilling to release? - my clothes - most not all - although if someone gave me 1000.00 and said here go Shopping I'd get rid over everything in a heart beat! Other thing is probbaly photos - memories.....
But this says - consider whatever stops you also inhibits you from experiencing flow.
I've seen that manifested a few different ways - letting go of outcome in dating all of a sudden you become a guy magnet, even if you walk around town in your PJs....ironically usually then. Also as soon as my director deciding on the 3 leads for ths film I'm casting, audition notices came in for me to ACT. Or freaking out about loosing my wallet, let it go, remembered ast place i remember having it emailed them, they emailed me today saying they had it!
Be Generous - today I saw the utilities bills for the apartment got my new check books and wrote out full amount for both! which reminds me I need a mail dropbox
Todays speaking and listening....
As I serve others, I serve myself. As I serve myself, allare served. I am completely fulfilled giving to the entire body of CREATOR me.
You relish contributing to everyone as the whole of yourself!
My tummy is a little upset from mixing a tuna sandwich & chai tea latte I think...But I'm grateful the rumor mill fed me, stored my cards safely, and all the plants, animals, people and energy that made my abundance today possible.
I have a reminder of that everyday I look in the mirror now, my dear friend got me a neclace that says abundnace on it! I may have told you that already....
xo - me
Enjoy your positivity, as always, 30 Girl!