Today wasn't all too productive. Again I slept through Half the day since I didnt get to bed til 4am. One of my friends on facebook suggested I start getting to bed earlier as part of my challenge and I really like that idea. Although impossible on fridays since I dance until 2am.
Openned some old mail that went to my old apartment. IRS and DMV, and not good news.So have some grown up bullshit to take care of, which I'm not sure how to start. Argh.
Still coughing. Louise Hays says Coughing means: you are barking at the world, "see me, listen to me." Muscus is: layered desposits of old confused thoughts. Wallowing in the past. My affirmations are basically I am Loved and I live in the Now! which makes a lot of sense considering it's stuff that would need to be released to move forward in this process.
I got myself caught in a bit of a distraction today just offering a piece of info to someone, and what was supposed to be 2 secs, turned into a good 10-20 minute process, of things we still needed to say, nothing bad, just more feelings and clarity to be shared, which is good, truth is always good. But another situation where I brought it on myself to lose focus! AH HA!
My phone is officially broke. I can't read anything on my screen, so went to T-Mobile to see what my options are and basically I can pay a $130 deductable for a new phone or upgrade for $230. Thats what I get for being a loyal costumer for 8 years! ha! I don't really miss my phone yet...but need it for JUST IN CASES.
The roomie made some badass enchiladas, and we put some more thought into the webseries opening credits. Then I worked more on my room and completing apartment spaces.
In some of our converstion today I was reminded of talks I had yesterday, where a woman said she felt like she could help guide people in their careers when she didnt even have her's together yet. It's another situation where it's easier to see other people's strengths and weakness, than your own. I know I have those same kind of eyes. Well, I can usually see mine, I just havent figured out how to change certain things yet. I can tell you a singer/songwriter girl should dye he hair brown, some guys singing voice and writing doesn't match his demeanor, this actor should promote themselves as a comedian inside of dramatic actor. They should take pictures with this photographer. This guy should take a dance class and get comfortable in his body. Whatever the case. BUT why haven't I done that for me? This advice giving to this other woman was, "pretend your, your client, change those things you'd advise her to change" It's tricky but it makes sense, and I'm trying it. MY manager has a great method of helping people find their Niche's, so this is already a helpful start to my discovery. My niche's are quirky, flirty, and vulnerable. Now what to do with those!?
The To do list today:
Check in with a few people
Finish room (not entirely organized yet)
Ripped out some photos of style I want to create for myself
Follow up on couch
Things I didnt get to:
Work on website
Read some UTA Hagen
or blog by 11 (hour off)
Well, I must head to bed and get some beauty & health rest! Tomorrow, register with commercial casting, go see a play, Plans....are not totally confirmed yet. Traveling without phone will be challenging!
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