Lordy Bee,
I got a bit behind a few days but it looks worse that it is, I have been journaling just not blogging. I dont have internet at home currently so i have to wait until a get to a coffee shop and as Abundant as I am feeling and working I still have to be smart about spending more than I should to get internet. But I'm being careful of the language I'm using to. It's so hard to not fall into the trap of Can't afford etc!
At any rate let's catch up shall we? -
DAY 20 - Worth Current
"Your problem is you are too busy holding on to your unworthiness"
List 3 ways of being that dimish your experience of being worthy -
1. I should be working on my monologues (beating myself up for procrastinating)
2. I can't afford cable and internet right now (yet I spend money alot of days at a coffeshop to get it)
3. I'm unsure if my heart is safe with this person (he is proving he has changed and is going above and beyond to show me my worth if I just accept it allow it and be in my gratitude for all that he is doing and saying)
River Guide -Why not love yourself as you love others?
Grateful for KRISTAN for giving me a free couch, Uhaul for rented me the truck, Joel, Pete, Trey, and Jesse for helping me carry it down and up many flights of stairs, Coyote for paying me so I could afoord the uhaul. And the universes humor discovering when I got it stuck in my doorway it came apart and I could have saved time, energy and money of everyone involved. But it being a worthy day, I think it all played the part for me to know I have lovely men in my life I can depend on!
"love is having a Nicole experience"
DAY 21 - Love & Acceptance Current
What do you notice, when you are really loving with yourself and others?
Things seem to work out for the best, I feel good, I look good, I take care of myself, I attract more good, others feel good around me, I want to do good for others, I am vibrating at a higher energy frequency!
Today was the screening of Leading Ladies at the Palm Springs international Film Festival - We got so much love for the film, and appreciation from the audience it was a reminder of why I want to be an actress and involved in creating magical love inspiring stories!
I now choose to love and accept myself and others as spirit. I celebrate spirit in you and in everyone all day long.
DAY 22 - Gratitude Current
"He is well paid that he is well satisfied"
List 3 forms of supply that you take for granted
1. Electricity
2. Hotwater
3. Mother's love
My friend recented had a power outage on her block for a few days and it was a reminder of how different and not as simple live is if we didnt have electricity & hotwater. We'd all be without internet, light (except candle), blowdryers, curling irons, I probably wouldnt shave my legs cause I could stand standing in cold water for to long or I'd option to be a dirty smelly hippy. And mom's are the ultimate expression of unconditional love, well them and dogs! hehe They are always there, no matter how many times you "screw up" or don't call back, or need a shoulder to cry on. I know there are some exceptions but I am blessed with one of those awesome mom's and I don't acknowledge her enough!
"I am grateful for all the expressions of creator filled me"
DAY 23 - generosity current
What is your experience when you give freely?
Give something away you are attached to.
I went to the redbox to rent two movies for $2.20 a man I have seen there before sitting with his bike was accepting change or food. I have been struggling with my old self a bit holding tighter to my money since I don't current have income coming in, yet here I am spending 2 dollars on movies, so I gave him a dollar. I didnt think twice about really and it felt good and he actually looked surprised and was very grateful.
River guide - where does it all go anyway?
it's just investing into the oneness of us all isnt it?!
"I am honored to share my abundance with everyone now"
DAY 24 - Abundance current
"there is a treasure of Joy within you, why do you keep knocking from door to door"
What is something you say you want, that you can let go of wanting? write it down, tear it up and throw it away
I release wanting a car now!
I release wanting a job now!
I release wanting a smaller nose now!
and many more things I feel I dont have right now but should...those thoughts keep it "out there" away from my grasp.
"I am enjoying letting go of wants that I no longer need. I am completely fulfilled by the quality of abundance love me is being as me and as my life now!"
DAY 25 - Creation Current
Identify a thought of limitation that is re-ocurring
"I can't afford..."
shift it to
I am now able to afford...
River guide - You can practice thinking anything!
I am practicing trust, even though I don't currently see income flowing in, and still allowing myself to take care of my wants and needs by giving supply in order to recieve.
ie, starbucks, time witha friend, lunch at happy hour, bus fare etc
Grateful for and acknowledging the time, love, dinners, compliments, and sexy time with a special man in my life right now!
"I am one with all that is, everything I see and don't see. Everything I could ever desire, I already am. I am whole and complete now.
fieeeewww! okay big breath and on to Day 26
xo- me
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