Concluding my stay in the BU! My friend came home early ahead of her family and her new love came to pick her up from the airport to bring her home. They are darling together and so joyful and giddy and open to each other. It's inspiring. Anyways, I was fully ready to get a ride back home tonight to give them some alone time. But a few glasses of wine were had and alas, I have one more evening in the lovely canyon, that's got a really cool misty fog happening right now.
I have been trying to cleverly devise ways to get out of there way so they can feel free to make out. Like saying "I have to go blog now...You guys should go in the hot tub!" haha Plan worked! Actually there was a few more things I wanted to work on that needed the computer anyhow. So it's perfect I got more time here, to utilize the flow I was in throughout the day.
I knew it was crunch time so I made a 'to do' list last night that was pretty long...some things not urgent but then after a phone call with my producer friend there was more of a need to get some casting stuff done too. So added to said 'to do' list.
I started the day with Lucas staring me down...that's one of the doggies! haha Got my coffee, and my journal and went to town on that a while, working more on my Creative Visualization book, and FINISHED the exercises. yeh! Had a little skype with my UK buddy, who always shows up when I think of him or vice versa...isn't cool how in tune we can be with another being on the other end of the earth! Then My friend told me about a psychic she went to recently who sounds AMAZING! I gotta go! My back was still tweeked from last night, so did some yoga stretching which seemed to help.
Took a walk down to the bank and store. Had some cool happenings on the way. I was just realizing how I hadn't seen any wild parrots up here since staying and then low and behold they show up on my foot journey. 10 of them. I hit the store, get some more fruit for the domesticated parrot, walk out and asked by an adorable guy named Daniel if I have time for Gay Right's...ahhh of course! I felt good about giving a donation, even though my bank account doesn't really reflect that at the moment, but what's 10$? Then he cleverly ups me to 18$ cause of PROP "8" He's doesn't even know my affinity to numbers. Lucky for him though...I'm like " Yeah, 8, the number of abundance!" He's thinks I'm weird and being cheep cause here I am in Malibu! haha But I took this opportunity to tell him about my film LEADING LADIES, hello spread the word, it's a feel good dance movie for gay kids! He loved that! So the 18$ serves an even greater purpose! Guess what, parrots fly by me again this time 18 of them. lol
I head in the bank, but not before noticing and laughing at a sign that said "Warning Paparazzi" really? anyway after I came out I saw Gary Busey in his old black Mercedes! haha and then walked a little further down the street and there went those parrots again back down to 10 of them. I realize I'm in the same spot as when they first showed up. a few steps later the coolest feather I have ever seen was at my feet. I think it's a hawk feather. The Magic of the BU!
I got back and went right to the computer to get things done. Tweeking out my back all over again from sitting so long. Took breaks to do laundry, pack, pet the dogs, talk gibberish to the bird and eat. Glad to say Stella Nova Casting website is updated, Three formatted worksheets are done, and new post cards designed.
So to tally it all up...
I have finished my acting website
I have updated my casting website
I have new Postcards designed and ready to order
I finished my creative visualization book
I got choreography done for a Music Video
AHHH - Pandora is playing the dance song from my short "String of Pearls" and my dancer/actress friend who was in it is who's house I have been watching...SEE MAGIC! lol
Went to a Network Night
Casting paperwork done!
I feel like there's more but I don't know...
While I'm still here and awake, I think I'm gonna design new business cards and type out a few of my songs that haven't been yet. Then maybe sleep? Oh, cool. her man is playing the piano downstairs. I'm always in awh, when someone can walk up to an instrument a create a world. And I just for shits & giggles typed his band into Pandora they are totally in it! How cool?! Yeah, people moving forward and being wonderful!
Wow! this is extra long, I knew I should have done part one earlier!
Hind sight,
good night...sorta
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