Yeh! Today I got some work. Grateful for a check, but that little ego self is in the back of my brain hating myself for having to do background work, not only background but non-union. I HAVE A SAG CARD. It's been collecting dust thus far this year. But sometimes ya gotta Hustle! Anyway we did nothing really, we were used for a whole 20 minutes. I didnt sleep much last night so I was dragging ass towards the end of the day. Days feel longer when you do nothing.
*I read my "Splendor" Chapter in WISH...did the exercises again 2 years later. I should find my old journel and compare notes.
*Called MY DAD! We had a good talk. He was pretty clear during most of it. which was good. I was really feeling pulled to call today. I asked him if he remembered what he wanted to grow up to be...he giggled and said a baseball player as he was watching the game, and then fly planes...which he did. Then he started playing guitar and he went on tangents from there.
I got an exciting email today that reminded me my film LEADING LADIES is showing in Champaign IL our birth place and they are now, trying to get sponsors to fly the cast out to be there for it. I'd love to be there end month, to have the whole experience come full circle!
Read more of my marketing/branding book today on the bus
Got home and vegged with food and facebook...did I mention we didnt get fed today? p&j for me all day...
Roomie got home after treating herself to a movie and she brought up the Px60 I saying that right? She's been talking about getting more in shape the past few weeks, it's been on the back of my mind too. Specially getting my college dancer legs back.
And last night, our friend had a psychic/life coach experience she shared with us, that suggested she play the game if she wanted to make it in this industry, workout, lose a few pounds, get facials, cut the hair, wear false eyelashes to auditions...etc. And it got me thinking about how well, or lax I have been about my physical appearance. We are in Hollywood afterall, and the little hippy in me wants to rebel against it, but then I have the little only daughter princess in me too, that loves playing dress up, so I'm right at home with screenings and premieres, but EVERYDAY! Argh. Not to mention the financial investment it requires. Oh, to have that casting Salary again, without the I would do it differently! Would not be spending it on RESIDUALS every weekend or traffic/parking tickets.
There is a balance and confidence I have when I'm feeling fit. So I think we are gonna give this thing a go. Probably not to the letter, but as a strong guideline. We did the weight/height ratio, I was glad to know I actually weighed less than I thought. 119. 17.6 body fat. I'm pretty much where I should be a little less actually but by Hollywood standards I could probably lose 5 -10 pounds. Rediculous, but true. My concern though is leg tone. And define arms a bit more. So maybe just the 5.
Anyways, another challenge/days to success ahead of me. The eating plan is going to be difficult...ONE carb a day, 5 proteins...hahaha yeah right, how does a veggy do that? Gotta research.
Going to interview at a clothes store.
Drop postcards in mail
Read/possibly finish marketing book
more...not sure yet
Two smacks on the wrist for helping two people today! haha OH, coolest thing I've had happen in a while. A saw a man digging through the trash for cans, and he got out and was falling asleep sitting on the sidewalk...I looked at him, sent love and asked Angels to surround him, help him, and mentally cheered for him to find his light again. I tend to do this alot since public transpo. Anyways, I read on, and in this chapter says look out for symbols one of which the color orange. I see a woman who has her kid working bring an empty can over to the man's cart while he slept, adding to his collection, and she was wearing orange sandles. AHHHH. Tune in to your thoughts and feelings and keep your eyes open, I love this shit!!!
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