Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 23 of 30 Days to Success! - A quicky!

This has to be a quicky cause I'm already past the point of SHOULD BE SLEEPING. I have an early call-time tomorrow. This usually happens, I get on a night owl schedule, I get a random early call time and be screwed on trying to get to sleep. Camomile isnt kicking in yet. Just spent a half hour trying to figure out the bus schedule to avoid a 25 minute walk. errr not sure the logic there, but I'm sure I'll appreciate in the morning. Hoping I can scrounge enough change for the buses. It's a pain to always need exact change for that. ewww I'm sounding a bit negitive. let's jump out of that.

I am grateful for the work tomorrow. Once I get there it sounds like an easy day.

*I wrote out my seven postcards
*Had some back and forth about a possible casting project
*Got my schedule discussed for my upcoming play
*Filled out my Anthropolgy App
*Applied to 2 casting jobs, heard back from one
*Reading "Splender" chapter in A WISH CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE
*May have a friend interested in helping/prducing the webseries
*Read thru again with Robin & Athena
*Did a round of Tarot Cards (apparently I have some more past things to deal with/let go and need to get married and lay down roots before I become successful, which seems backwards) hmmmm. Strange.
*oh, and I also painted my nails!

I had a strange realization, wonderful actually, how easy it can be to let things go when you shift your focus, how something or someone can affect you so strongly when you are involved in the drama of it, and how quickly you can choose to be out of it...I was asked about a story that was occuring when I first started the 30 days and it was so heavy of my mind and in my awareness I knew then, and even replayed every little detail daily, and today I had a hard time remembering most of the story, my roommate had to fill in the blanks for me. Crazy right?! Liberating really! Shifting....weeeee.

That's it for now. I plan on getting some reading done tomorrow on set! Now, if I could just get some sleep.....

oohhh, ps, broke a few rules today...
emailed my manager for an actor friend
talked and boys
put energy into another project that isnt entirely one of my jobs yet...

Much Love,

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